Daily Scripture: Day 114—2 Chronicles 34

From Handbook to Scripture, Day 114


Near the end of the Southern Kingdom, the Lord raised up a last godly king whose righteousness led his people for a few years into a time of reform, prosperity, and joy. Josiah was only 16 when he began to seek the God of his father David, and when he was 20, he began to purge the idolatrous images and altars from Judah and Jerusalem. At the age of 26 Josiah ordered the repair of the house of God, and in the process, Hilkiah the high priest discovered the Book of the Law in the temple. When God’s neglected Word was read to the king, Josiah realized that God’s wrath must have been great because of the years of neglect and disobedience. Sadly, Josiah’s reforms would come too late to avert divine judgment on Judah.

Prayer: Lord, it is amazing that Your Word was so neglected by Your people that it was actually lost for years. I ask that I will never take Your Word for granted, but that I will remain faithful to the disciplines of reading and meditating on Scripture.

Meditation passage: verses 21, 33

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