Category: Apologetics

Does Christmas have Pagan roots?

Is it true the celebration of Christmas has pagan origins? What about the various traditions and symbols associated with Christmas such as Christmas trees and Yule logs? Historical investigation decidedly answers the question. No, Christmas is not pagan.

Eco-anxiety and Hope

Current environmental commentators have contributed to the modern psychological phenomenon of “eco-anxiety,” having you believe humanity is on the verge of extinction due to environmental destruction. While this claim is exaggerated, as God’s stewards, we can look to Him for hope, knowing that He will someday restore all things.

Design in Astronomy

The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
(Psalm 19:1–2)

Specified Complexity and Genetics

Specified complexity is the notion that systems and structures bear certain markers of design. That is to say, we can reasonably infer based on the characteristics of an object that it is likely caused by an intelligent agent, rather than a natural random process.

A Critical Look at Darwinian Evolution

Where did we come from? This question of man’s origins has long been at the center of the thoughts of philosophers, scientists, and “ordinary” people alike. How we answer this question informs our answers to many other fundamental questions, such as:  Where are we going? Why are we

The Contingency of the Cosmos

When it comes to the question “why does the universe exist at all”, the only reasonable answer is the theistic one; an eternal God created it and continues to sustain it.

Is there Really a God?

Is there really a God? To this question, answers fall into three basic categories: 1. No (Athiesm) 2. Maybe (Agnosticism) 3. Yes (Theism) We must deal with the question of God’s existence. Indeed, how we answer this question might be the most important thing about us. It affects