Tag: Adam

Image as Declaration Casting a Vision to the World

“Image is everything.” We have often heard this, and for the sake of a photograph, it is true. But when it comes to reality, if there is a gap between the image and what is behind the image, then that image is simply a façade.

1 Corinthians 15: Resurrection of the Dead

Age conspires with God to take away our temporal hope. As disciples of Jesus, we want to have a growing and eager sense of anticipation of what we’re going to be like in the new heaven and earth.

Romans 5: Reconciliation with God

Jesus Christ reconciled us to God through His life, death, and resurrection. He took on our sin so that we might have peace with God. As a result of reconciliation, we are being transformed in this present darkness, learning to live out our identity in Christ.

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The Role of Guilt & Shame in the Life of the Believer

(VIDEO + EDITED TRANSCRIPT) Ken Boa discusses guilt and shame, their role in the life of the believer, and their place in the human story during a Q&A-style talk as part of GraceLife Church’s In Question series.