Tag: gospel

Our Accountability to God

When we ask the question of those who never heard, it demonstrates our accountability to God in that He is also calling us to respond to Him.

God Has Called You

Sharing the gospel is not simply for professionals—God has called you. You are an agent of God with a particular sphere of influence to leverage for His glory.

2 Corinthians 4: Living Letters

If you are a Christian, you are a “living letter” (2 Corinthians 3:1–3). Your life demonstrates the truth of the gospel, demanding a response from all around you. At the end of the day, there can be no neutral response to Christ. We will either walk in the blindness of the world or in the light of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 1: A Practical Theology

The book of Romans balances theology with practice, presenting the problem of sin, the beauty of salvation, and the transformed Christian life.

Acts 26: Agents of Eternal Change

How can we be agents for eternal change in the lives of those around us? Acts 26 shows how Paul faithfully preached the gospel to Agrippa and Festus.

Acts 25: The Witness of Waiting

Paul waited in prison for years. While this may seem like wasted time to us, his imprisonment allowed him to witness to three key rulers.