Tag: identity

Colossians 3: The New Self

Paul exhorts the Colossians to let their practice conform to their position in Christ. We have been raised with Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Silhouette of person on a hill - what is your identity in Christ?

Who Does God Say I Am?

A list of Biblical explanations about our identity in Jesus Christ, derived from a few selected passages in the New Testament. This is just a portion of the many truths about who we have become through faith in God’s Son, but it is a powerful inventory to review from time to time.

Q&A Session: April 1, 2022

What is your identity? How can you get to know Christ better? The key is cultivating an appetite for knowing God by spending time in His Word and obeying Him.

Contentment in Christ

What matters most to you? Unless we know who and Whose we are, our answer to this question will lead only to discontentment.

Romans 15: Who Are We?

How do we know what our lives should look like? The world tries to pin many identities on us, but Paul makes it clear: Scripture is our guide.

The Power of God in Us

What does it mean for us that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God? Ephesians 1:17–23 tells us.

Our Position in the Heavenly Places

It is often said that comparison is the enemy of contentment—and this is true. We find security only in our position in Christ in the heavenly places.

Developing Skill in the Art of Living

Wisdom is skill in the art of living. The wisdom exercises in “A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence” can teach you how to think God’s thoughts after Him.

The Work of the Trinity

Our identity in Christ stems from the work of the Trinity: the Father adopted us, the Son redeemed us, and the Spirit sealed us.