Tag: learning

A Closer Walk with God

Suffering is a required course in the university of life, one that should lead to you a closer walk with God.

The Details of Life

True heavenly fame is compatible with earthbound anonymity. As we grow in wisdom, we will store up treasure for ourselves in heaven.

Growing in Wisdom through Proverbs

Wisdom is not about how smart you are—after all, there are a lot of smart fools. Instead, wisdom involves moral excellence and dependence on God.

The Desires of Your Heart

What is your heart’s desire? The book of Proverbs teaches us to recalibrate our lives toward what is eternal rather than what is temporal.

A Life Well Lived

Which wisdom do you hold by: live and learn or learn and live? The first looks to action before instruction, but the second involves godly humility.

Teaching Methods: Part 5

Focusing on discussion as one teaching method, Ken Boa continues his series on seven teaching methods used in the Bible; these approaches are applicable to us by showing us how to skillfully communicate with others—the key to all good relationships.

Teaching Methods: Part 4

Focusing on discussion as one teaching method, Ken Boa continues his series on seven teaching methods used in the Bible; these approaches are applicable to us by showing us how to skillfully communicate with others—the key to all good relationships.

Teaching Methods: Part 3

We apologize that this teaching video is not currently available.  Ken Boa focused in this session on drama (including film/movies) as one approach to teaching. Read about the drama method of teaching in this article on the material of this series. [button color=”dark_blue” link=”https://kenboa.org/culture/teaching-approaches-and-learning-styles/” size=”large” target=”_self” block=”true”]READ NOW[/button]

Teaching Methods: Part 2

We apologize that this teaching video is not currently available.  Ken Boa focused in this session on a visual aid approach to teaching, one of the seven teaching methods used in the Bible. Read about visual aids in this article covering the content of this series. [button color=”dark_blue”

Teaching Methods: Part 1

Ken Boa introduces this series on seven teaching methods used in the Bible, applicable to us by showing us how to skillfully communicate with others—the key to all good relationships. Here, he covers the first three methods—lectures, stories, and visual aids—and offers examples of how all three approaches are used by Jesus and other biblical figures such as the prophet Nathan.