Tag: prayer

2 Samuel 7: Honor God in Your Work

Like David, you may desire to do something great—perhaps lead some ministry—but that may not be what God has called you to do. But if you do even the smallest of tasks with excellence, you will honor God in your work and bring Him glory.

An Interior Garden

Margin is a space between our load and our limits. We need margin in order to cultivate the interior garden of our spiritual life.

Weapons for the War

Until Christ returns, we must do battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil. But we can take heart: these three do not have the final victory.

1 Samuel 3: When God Speaks

How do we hear God when He speaks? First Samuel 3 shows us a picture of God’s faithfulness to speak to us even when we have ignored Him in the past.

1 Samuel 2: A Humble Honor

First Samuel 2 contains one of the great prayers of the Bible. The  prayer of a humble womangives us a picture of the honor and glory and praise due to God.

Misconceptions of God’s Will

Ken Boa looks at eight common misconceptions about God’s will. 1. “I must pray about each decision I make.” 2. “God’s will is often contrary to human reason.” 3. “To submit to God’s will I must give up my happiness.” 4. “If I follow God’s will, my problems will be over.” 5. “If I stray too far from God’s will, He won’t be able to use me again.” 6. “If I commit my life to God, He will want me to go to seminary.” 7. “I must have special confirmation before making important decisions.” 8. “God wants me to respond to every need.”

Principles for Discerning God’s Will

Communication is the main way in which we discern the will of God. It involves immersing ourselves in Scripture and coming before God in prayer. God will not guide us to do something contrary to Scripture. As we seek to discern His will, we must constantly be in prayer and examining our decisions in light of Scripture. If we think we hear God’s voice telling us to do something that is clearly contrary to Scripture (e.g., commit adultery), then it is not from God.

Receiving God’s Guidance

The discernment of God’s will does not come from employing certain techniques. To discern God’s will is to understand how to please Him and to be watchful for His daily guidance. This requires an ongoing and genuine relationship with the Lord. In particular, there are five facets of our relationship with Him that are prerequisites for receiving His guidance.

1 Samuel 1: Presenting Our Prayers to God

First Samuel is a book of new beginnings, a transition from the old ways of the judges to the new ways of the kings. It begins with a story of prayer in which one childless woman, Hannah, begs God for a son. Her example teaches us key principles about presenting our prayers to God.

Discerning God’s Will: A Process Not a Program

You are here for a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says that those who are in Christ “are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” God intentionally made you with specific purposes in mind. It is His desire that you “walk in” those works He has prepared for you.