Tag: process

Discerning God’s Will: A Process Not a Program

You are here for a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says that those who are in Christ “are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” God intentionally made you with specific purposes in mind. It is His desire that you “walk in” those works He has prepared for you.

Nurturing Spirituality, Part 14: A Biblical Philosophy of Evangelism II

The agricultural imagery used in the Bible for the process of evangelism shows us that there are at least four stages: (1) Preparing the soil, (2) Sowing the Seed, (3) Cultivating the soil, and (4) Reaping the harvest. Stage four is the one many Christians tend to focus on, but we must remember that it is God who is responsible for the end results.

Trowel and dirt

A Philosophy of Evangelism, Part 3: Taking a Long View

Developing a biblically rooted philosophy of evangelism can greatly enhance the effectiveness of outreach and evangelism ministries. In this third part, Ken Boa talks about the time involved in the evangelism process and the long-term investment that it represents.

Photo of young plants growing

A Philosophy of Evangelism, Part 2: The Results Belong to God

In this second part in our series on developing a biblically rooted philosophy of evangelism, Ken Boa emphasizes that the process of evangelism begins and ends with God. Also, we commit errors when we either (1) assume failure when conversion doesn’t come, or (2) take credit for someone’s conversion.