Tag: provision

Ruth 2: A Cameo of Grace and Goodness

Ruth 2 is a cameo of God’s grace and goodness. In the midst of the wicked period of the judges, Boaz stood out as a shining light, showing God’s grace to the least, last, and lost. We too are called to be agents of light in this present darkness. We are called to have a different vision and not to be defined by the things of this world.

Deuteronomy 8: Our Daily Bread

Embedded in human nature is a tendency to forget, and nothing seems to disappear quicker than gratitude. We need daily sustenance to remember God.

Engaging the Senses

How often do you engage your God-given senses to purposefully enjoy Him? The sensory exercises in A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence can help.

Exodus 14–18: When Security Vanishes

What do you do when your security vanishes and enemies surround you? The Israelites faced this problem, but they had forgotten that God always provides and protects His people.

1 Peter Study, Part 9 (at Christ Church): Embracing God’s Narrative

Peter invites his readers to embrace God’s narrative not the world’s narrative; to embrace a biblical perspective on life and not what we often would construe for ourselves.  This epistle gives a perspective of wisdom, faith, hope, and love and calls us to put our hope in the Living God and His unchanging character and promises.