Tag: reverential awe

The Humility of Fearing God

What does it take to be wise? The foundational characteristic needed to obtain wisdom is humility, which leads to the fear of the Lord.

The Small Surrenders

A series of small surrenders leads us to a gradual decline away from wisdom. Pursuing wisdom requires a constant redirection toward the One who created us for intimacy with Him.

Deuteronomy 2: Knowing God

Do you know who God is? Deuteronomy 2 shows that knowing God is key to obeying Him out of trust and reverential awe.

Walking in Wisdom

Insight and knowledge go hand in hand with practical righteousness. The book of Proverbs shows us how the fear of the Lord leads us to walk in wisdom.

1 Peter Study, Part 11 (at Christ Church): Living A Holy Life

Peter transitions from addressing the richness of our salvation in Christ to practical application and the pulls that wage war against our souls.  Dr. Boa discusses this inner-outward conflict that we all encounter and encourages us to live in such a way that our words and our works and our lives and our lips coincide.