Tag: sovereignty

God Has Called You

Sharing the gospel is not simply for professionals—God has called you. You are an agent of God with a particular sphere of influence to leverage for His glory.

1 Samuel 10: Our Gracious King

The only way to find what you’re looking for is to die to yourself and surrender to God. Every day, we have to decide whether we will die to ourselves and seek God, or whether we will fall prey to the temptations of the world and walk in rebellion.

Discerning God’s Will: A Process Not a Program

You are here for a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says that those who are in Christ “are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” God intentionally made you with specific purposes in mind. It is His desire that you “walk in” those works He has prepared for you.

1 Corinthians 3: Only One Foundation

We’re called not only to know Christ but also to grow in Him. We do this by investing our time, talent, and treasure in what will last—the Word of God and people.

Romans 12: Putting Faith into Practice

How do we put our faith into practice? Paul addresses this topic in Romans 12, focusing on how personal consecration leads to corporate transformation.

The Architecture of Nature

The greatness of God is on marvelous display in the universe. We need only take a closer look at everything around us in order to see it and glorify Him for the gratuitous beauty He has put into creation.

The Complexity of Creation

The more we look at creation, the more we see that evolution and natural selection cannot account for the complexity and gratuitous beauty we see.

Hoping in God’s Promises

Misunderstanding the character of God can lead to bitterness, especially in adversity. But hope in His promises is a sure foundation for our faith.

Made for Eternity

We do not have easy answers to the “why” of suffering, but we can trust in the God who created us. This suffering will pass; we were made for eternity.

Our Wealth and Our Walk

Our wealth influences our walk. If we seek after worldly wealth, the way that we live will reflect the values of the flesh. But if we pursue spiritual wealth, we will walk like a child of God.