Tag: work

2 Samuel 7: Honor God in Your Work

Like David, you may desire to do something great—perhaps lead some ministry—but that may not be what God has called you to do. But if you do even the smallest of tasks with excellence, you will honor God in your work and bring Him glory.

The End in Mind

It is possible to be alive and yet never really live. If you never ask the right questions about your purpose, you will go through life as if in a catatonic state. But living with the end in mind is a reminder to look to Christ.

Familial and Work Relationships

How can we honor God in our relationships, particularly in the family and in our jobs? He calls us to live out of our identity in Him, loving others and treating them with respect.

Satisfaction in God

God calls us to live doxologically in every aspect of our lives—even when we experience suffering. The book of God teaches us to find satisfaction in God no matter our circumstances, transforming our “why” of grumbling into one of gratitude.

An Inside-Out Life

What does it mean to live an inside-out life? Join Ken Boa as he looks at Ephesians 4:25–32 and how we love our neighbors in the power of the Spirit.

Time and Work

Righteousness requires training, not trying. It involves redeeming the time, doing temporal tasks for the glory of God and submitting your plans to Him.