Deuteronomy 4: Leaving a Legacy

Deuteronomy 4: Leaving a Legacy

It takes risk for us to trust in God—it is far easier to walk by what is seen rather than by what is unseen.

However, trusting God is always worth it. He has our best interests at heart, and in His sovereignty will work out everything for His glory and our good.

The second generation of Israelites learned this lesson the hard way after watching the previous generation pass away in the wilderness. Deuteronomy 4 records Moses’ words to the second generation as he urged them to remember the past so they would continue to live for God.

Before he passed away, Moses wanted to leave the Israelites a legacy of obedience to God. Because of this, he spoke to them to warn them to remember to trust no matter what they faced, whether adversity or prosperity. He knew the Israelites would go astray when they reached the Promised Land, so he used his last words to prepare them spiritually for what was to come.

In the new covenant, we can apply Moses’ legacy by seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). We want to be people who communicate the glory of God and the benefits of trusting in Him to the next generation.

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