Ephesians 3: In Christ

Ephesians 3: In Christ

We all need security, significance, and satisfaction. But searching for these in people, possessions, or positions will never be enough. Only in Christ do we find all we need. You were meant for Him, and nothing less will do. Therefore, you need to steward the gospel well, putting Christ at the center of your life.

Identity in Christ

When we have been saved, we are in Christ, a truth that Ephesians makes clear. According to this letter, we are:

  • In Christ (1:1)
  • In the heavenly places in Christ (1:3)
  • Chosen in Him (1:4)
  • Adopted through Christ (1:5)
  • In the Beloved (1:6)
  • Redeemed in Him (1:7)
  • Given hope in Christ (1:11)
  • Sealed in Him (1:13)
  • Made alive together with Christ (2:5)
  • Raised and seated with Him (2:6)
  • Created in Christ (2:10)
  • Brought near by His blood (2:13)
  • Growing in Christ (2:21)
  • A partaker of the promise in Christ (3:6)

Christ indwells us, and we are in Him. His life in us is incredible: He invites us to participate in His kingdom work through the power of His Spirit. He has given us a calling to make Him known and leverage our unique circumstances for His glory.

Steward the Gospel

Leveraging our circumstances for God’s glory involves stewarding the gospel well. In Ephesians 3:2, Paul writes that God gave him a specific ministry: to steward the gospel for the Gentiles. In other words, God called him to leverage his temporal sphere of influence for eternal gain, investing in what will last. Paul was faithful to his call, shepherding his flock.

Likewise, God calls you to steward the gospel in the unique circumstances in which He has placed you. At the end of the day, when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ, God will ask if you transmuted your temporal currency into eternal currency. That is, did you invest your time, talent, treasure, truth, and relationships wisely for His glory?

Not all of us will be called to preach, but God calls every one of us to glorify Him where He has placed us.

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This teaching is based on Ken Boa’s Handbook to Scripture

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