Daily Encouragement: Year 2, Day 65

From Handbook to God’s Promises


Eyes to See
Read Luke 2:25–32

A company called Magic Eye® ignited a worldwide 3D craze in the 1990s; maybe you’ve seen these stereograms in a book or newspaper. These popular colored pictures consist of seemingly unrecognizable shapes and designs that, when focused upon in exactly the right way, reveal clever 3D images for the viewer. There is a skill to getting the images in focus. For many people, the images pop into view immediately; others haven’t seen their first one.

Why do some people see things that others cannot see? When it comes to 3D images, it’s simply a matter of practice; no spiritual acumen is needed. But that is not true in the kingdom of God. God’s truths are seen by those who have eyes to see (Matthew 13:13–17). Though some obstacles exist (2 Corinthians 4:4–6), God can overcome them and give sight to those who are looking.

Although God has come into the world in the person of Jesus Christ, not everyone has seen him. Today’s passage talks about one man who recognized Jesus as Messiah at the most unlikely juncture imaginable—when Jesus was an infant and the man was near the end of his life. The infant Jesus likely looked no different from any other Jewish baby boy, so what prompted Simeon to say, “My eyes have seen your salvation”? The answer is that the Holy Spirit prompted him and gave him sight that others didn’t have. The same is true today. Those whose hearts are open to the Spirit’s leading are the ones who will see Jesus as Savior.

Have you seen Jesus Christ with the eyes of your heart and mind? If so, keep them fixed on Him, “the author and perfecter of [your] faith” (Hebrews 12:2).

God’s Promise: If you have seen God’s Son by faith, you have also seen the Father.

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