Daily Scripture: Day 65—Joshua 23

From Handbook to Scripture, Day 65


Nearing the end of his life, Joshua called the elders and leaders of Israel to give them a final message of exhortation and encouragement to remain faithful to the ways of the Lord. He reminded them that it is the Lord who fought for them, and that their relationship to the Lord will be determinative of their continued success in the land. They needed the courage to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, and to love the Lord. Otherwise they would descend into the morass of idolatry and intermarry with the remnant of the nations they were called to conquer. Just as the Lord has been faithful to them, so they must be faithful to Him.

Prayer: Lord, without fidelity to the spiritual disciplines of prayer and of time in Your Word, I will be vulnerable to the lures of this world system and tempted to turn away from You as my first love. May I hold fast to You and love You above all things.

Meditation passage: verses 6, 14

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