Daily Scripture: Day 69—Judges 7

From Handbook to Scripture, Day 69


Knowing the human tendency to depend upon our own resources rather than trust in the Lord, God instructed Gideon to reduce the size of his army by allowing those who were fearful to return home. Even so, the 10,000 who remained were still too numerous, so the Lord reduced their number to 300. Now that the odds were impossible, it was time for the Lord to act. Once again, God gave Gideon a sign to encourage him. Then when the 300 blew their trumpets and broke their pitchers, holding torches in their left hands and trumpets in their right hands, the Lord completely routed the Midianite armies. Thus it was the sword of the Lord that defeated their enemies.

Prayer: Lord, I realize that it is not possible for me to wage spiritual warfare effectively in the power of the flesh. Help me remember to stand firm in Christ, to submit to You, and to resist the world, the flesh, and the devil in Your strength.

Meditation passage: verse 2

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