Category: Apologetics

Our Accountability to God

When we ask the question of those who never heard, it demonstrates our accountability to God in that He is also calling us to respond to Him.

The Witness of the Conscience

Despite the witness of nature and the witness of the conscience, without God’s intervention in our hearts, we turn away from Him.

The Grace and Justice of God

Is God fair? Does He even care? These two questions are the heart of our objection to Christianity regarding those who have never heard the gospel.

God Has Called You

Sharing the gospel is not simply for professionals—God has called you. You are an agent of God with a particular sphere of influence to leverage for His glory.

Purpose in Evil

Why hasn’t God put an end to evil? If it were on our terms, we would eliminate the cruel world leaders, murderers, thieves, natural disasters, and diseases. But God’s approach is far more radical.

The Cause of Evil

Look around you, watch a minute of the news, and you will see suffering. It is an unavoidable part of life. But where did evil come from? As we ask this question and look for answers, we’ll find that the biblical Christian worldview gives us a robust answer to the problem of evil.

Why Did God Allow Evil?

Despite our attempts to solve the problem of evil by eliminating either God or evil, only a recognition that our good God will conquer evil gives us hope.

Why the Innocent Suffer

Why do the innocent suffer? If God is so loving and powerful, why doesn’t He end suffering? This common objection is an opportunity for the gospel.

Christianity: Not a Crutch, but a Cure

We need to think well and realize that the Christian faith is founded on fact. The object of our faith is key. Although the amount of our faith may change, but the object—the person and work of Christ—never will. As a result, Christianity is not a crutch—it’s the cure.