Category: Friday Morning Men’s Study

Desirable Prayer Habits

Should we set aside time for prayer? Watch this video for some useful tips for setting aside a formal time of prayer that will deepen your relationship with God.

When God Says “No”

God always hears our prayers, but what happens when He doesn’t give us an immediate, resounding “yes”?

Praying Scripture Back to God

If we’re not careful, we approach God with laundry-list prayers. Praying through Scripture is a useful method of prayer that helps turn our hearts back to praising God.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is the prelude to effective ministry. Join Ken Boa in his latest teaching series on Quiet Time about the power of prayer.

How to Read the Bible

How we read Scripture matters. Just as we ought to have a balanced diet of Scripture, engaging in the whole counsel of God, so we also need to use different methods as we read. God’s love is so rich and deep that we need to sink our roots deeply into His Word, strengthening our relationship with Him.

A Balanced Diet of Scripture

Do you have a balanced diet of Scripture? Just as we cook an entrée and a side of vegetables to create a well-rounded meal, we ought to be balanced in how we read the Word of God.

The Four Whys of Pain

There are four responses to difficult circumstances: The Why of Grumbling, the Why of Grief, the Why of Guidance, and the Why of Gratitude.

The Kingdom in 7 Gs

The kingdom of God can be described in 7 Gs: God’s greatness, goodness, and grace; our gratitude, growing, and going; and the final state of glory.

Morning Affirmations 6

Do you have doubts about what your future holds, either in this life or the next? God calms our doubts by revealing His plan for this world and how we fit into that plan.

Morning Affirmations 5

In our current culture, many of us overlook spiritual warfare. Whether we admit it or not, we are engaged in warfare on three fronts: against the world, the flesh, and the devil.