Category: Living Out Your Faith

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 20

Dr. Boa explores some optical illusions and poetry to illustrate how our view of the world can get skewed and how practicing God’s presence can set our vision straight.

Photo of tall trees

Growing in Character

Wisdom for Dummies: The Book of Proverbs[note]This content is taken from chapter 3 of Dr. Boa’s book The Perfect Leader.[/note] People generally don’t like being called “dummies.” And yet how can we explain the overwhelming success of a series of books aimed at dummies? Beginning with the November 1991

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 18

Dr. Boa continues his discussion of Jesus’s spiritual practices and his invitation to us to practice God’s presence, just as he did on earth. Today’s lesson picks up in John 10.

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Some Principles for Managing Time

As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. —Henry David Thoreau [lead]How can you begin to control your time instead of letting time control you?[/lead] Following are three key principles to help you start to use and manage your time well. (Note: It’s helpful if you read

Thoughts on Abortion

Abortion is perhaps the central ethical issue of the past century. The key question is whether abortion is the murder of a living person and therefore when a human life begins.

Person walking along road into the horizon

A Biblical View of Purpose, Part 1: Knowing Where You’re Going

[lead]Most people seem to journey through years, even decades, without seriously wrestling with the fundamental question of why they are here on earth, where their journey is taking them, and what they want their lives to add up to in the end.[/lead] These people may occasionally wonder, What

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Viewing Time God’s Way

The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish hours—confound him, too, who in this place set up a sun-dial to cut and hack my days so wretchedly into small pieces! —Plautus (Greek playwright in Rome, second century BC) Consciousness of time jumped dramatically in the

Trusting God in Turbulent Times

Emotional, intellectual, and volitional obstacles can keep us from trusting and yielding to God, both for the first time and after we become followers of Christ. Trusting Him is especially challenging when life is difficult or doesn’t make sense from our perspective. But if we turn toward God, his Spirit in us will help us overcome these barriers, so that we’re able to trust Him at all times, no matter what’s going on around us.