Category: Spiritual Formation

Creator and Lover of Our Souls

The more we know God, the more we know ourselves. God is the creator and sustainer of all things. He made the stars and galaxies, and all the beauty of this world, yet He is still mindful of man.

Loving God Completely

God has perfect community within the unity and diversity of the Trinity. We, being made in the image of God, are relational beings as well.

A Celebration of Easter

The celebration of Easter is more than a celebration of the past; it is also a pointer to the future resurrected bodies and the glory we will have in Christ.

A Closer Walk with God

Suffering is a required course in the university of life, one that should lead to you a closer walk with God.

Image as Declaration Casting a Vision to the World

“Image is everything.” We have often heard this, and for the sake of a photograph, it is true. But when it comes to reality, if there is a gap between the image and what is behind the image, then that image is simply a façade.

Journeying Through the City of Man to the City of God

Our world is changing. Thinking about God, the world, and the country, the secular West is increasingly hostile to the gospel. This is true not only of our universities and our workplaces, but often of our churches as well. Even in Christian churches there is tension because of our journey through the city of man to the city of God, a tension that we need to address and understand.

A Growing Vision of God

No matter the season of life, we should never stop learning—and this is particularly true when it comes to the knowledge of God. It doesn’t matter how long we live, because there will always be more to learn about God.