Category: Sunday Morning Study

Loving God Completely

God has perfect community within the unity and diversity of the Trinity. We, being made in the image of God, are relational beings as well.

A Critical Look at Darwinian Evolution

Where did we come from? This question of man’s origins has long been at the center of the thoughts of philosophers, scientists, and “ordinary” people alike. How we answer this question informs our answers to many other fundamental questions, such as:  Where are we going? Why are we

The Contingency of the Cosmos

When it comes to the question “why does the universe exist at all”, the only reasonable answer is the theistic one; an eternal God created it and continues to sustain it.

Is there Really a God?

Is there really a God? To this question, answers fall into three basic categories: 1. No (Athiesm) 2. Maybe (Agnosticism) 3. Yes (Theism) We must deal with the question of God’s existence. Indeed, how we answer this question might be the most important thing about us. It affects

A Celebration of Easter

The celebration of Easter is more than a celebration of the past; it is also a pointer to the future resurrected bodies and the glory we will have in Christ.

Our Accountability to God

When we ask the question of those who never heard, it demonstrates our accountability to God in that He is also calling us to respond to Him.

The Witness of the Conscience

Despite the witness of nature and the witness of the conscience, without God’s intervention in our hearts, we turn away from Him.

The Grace and Justice of God

Is God fair? Does He even care? These two questions are the heart of our objection to Christianity regarding those who have never heard the gospel.

God Has Called You

Sharing the gospel is not simply for professionals—God has called you. You are an agent of God with a particular sphere of influence to leverage for His glory.