Category: Theological

The Attributes of God

What does it mean to know God? The answer to this question is essential to our daily lives. When we do not know who God is according to Scripture, we experience a diminishment of our sense of His majesty that affects our relationship with Him. Our tendency is to pick and choose the bits and pieces we like about Him and ignore the best. To do so, however, is to our detriment. Studying the attributes of God restores a right sense of awe and joy.

New York City through chain link fence

How to Find Meaning in Life According to Solomon

What gives your life meaning? Conventional wisdom abounds telling us how to find meaning in life. On the surface, much of it sounds like good advice. The problem is, every one of them will ultimately fail to bring you meaning and satisfaction. According to Solomon, two key truths must guide us if we are to live meaningful lives.

Broken Christmas ornament

Redeeming Our Broken Stories

Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, was born into the world to redeem us and heal our broken stories.

From Suffering Servant to King of Glory

[lead]As the decisive revelation of the transcendent God in human history, the Incarnation is the central mystery of the Christian faith.[/lead] That the Creator God would lower Himself to take on human flesh and bear our guilt, sin, and shame is a historical fact that I will never