Daily Encouragement: Day 269

Adapted from: Handbook to Spiritual Growth


Relationships are a valuable resource that can encourage, equip, and exhort us to stay on the course we have been called to run. People who finish well in the race of life do not do so without the caring support of other growing members of the body of Christ.

Going to church is not necessarily the same as experiencing the dynamics of living in community. More often than not, people relate to the church more as an organization than as an organism. A healing community, on the other hand, centers on connecting with God, with others, and with ourselves, and such communities can exist both inside and outside local church structures.

Today, consider those God has sovereignly placed in your life. How will you cultivate (or continue to cultivate) both vertical (mentor) and horizontal (peer or co-mentor) relationships that will spur you on in your intimacy with Christ?

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