Daily Encouragement: Day 358

Adapted from Handbook to Spiritual Growth


The purpose of our earthly sojourn as “aliens and strangers” (1 Peter 2:11) is spiritual growth and reproduction. We are called to growing conformity with Christ, and the trials and obstacles of this life are designed to produce Christlike character as we learn to depend more and more on Him. We are also called to the sublime privilege of reproducing the life of Christ in others.

God has seen fit to use ordinary people like us to accomplish His extraordinary work of creating eternal life where formerly there was darkness and death. It would have been easy for Him to communicate the word of life directly to those whom He foreknew, but He entrusted us instead with the priceless message of the Good News. What greater calling can we have than to be used by the living God as spiritual obstetricians and pediatricians?

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