Adapted from Handbook to Leadership
Personal Development: Courage/Risk-Taking
Christians need courage to make the tough decisions they’re faced with every day. Joshua certainly faced such a crisis in his leadership role. Not only did he have to contend with the military powers rooted in the Promised Land, but he also had to face them with an untrained band of nomadic shepherds.
God realized Joshua’s need for courage and gave him guidance that would strengthen his faith. First, He reminded Joshua of His faithfulness to keep all of His promises (vv. 3–6). Joshua’s success didn’t rest on a military strategy or well-trained army, but on the faithfulness of God.
Second, God commanded Joshua to meditate on His words that Moses recorded in the five books of the Pentateuch (vv. 7–8). The “Book of the Law” would give the wisdom and encouragement Joshua would need to courageously lead the nation.
Third, God promised to be personally present with Joshua (v. 9). God would always be at his side.
The same sources of courage that empowered Joshua are available today for anyone who will accept them. Let God’s words to Joshua supply you with the courage you need.