Adapted from Handbook to Leadership
Personal Development: Integrity
God’s character never changes; “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). His love, His truth, and His goodness are not governed by external circumstances or conditions—they never vacillate. Therefore, God’s character and the promises He makes are supremely worthy of our trust and commitment. He does what He says, and His covenant love is always dependable.
Because it is impossible for God to lie, He is the ultimately reliable source of hope. His changeless character is the foundation of all of His promises. Whatever He says He will do is as good as done, and when we hope in His promises, this hope becomes an anchor for the soul, both firm and secure (6:19). God’s yes is always yes, and His no is always no (James 5:12); His actions flow perfectly out of His character. God never changes His mind (1 Samuel 15:29). There is no possibility of manipulating or bribing or bargaining with God, because He will never compromise His perfect integrity.