Daily Encouragement: Year 1, Day 3

Adapted from Handbook to Leadership

2 Peter 1:5–8

The character qualities listed in these verses are admirable, but they are also overwhelming. We may aspire to these characteristics, but is it really possible for us to attain them? If it were simply a matter of fitful human effort, the attempt would be futile. But 2 Peter 1:3–4 provides an important key: In Christ, we have been permitted access to God’s divine power and have been granted the incomprehensible privilege of participating “in the divine nature.” We have not only received a new nature in Christ (Romans 6:6–13), but we are also indwelled by the Holy Spirit, whose power within us makes it possible for us to manifest these qualities of Christlike character.

True spiritual and character transformation takes place from the inside out, not from the outside in. The attributes of faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love flow from the life of Christ that has been implanted within us.

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