Adapted from Handbook to Leadership
Personal Development: Obedience to God
Most of what God requires is so easy and beneficial to His followers that we do it without even thinking about it. A smaller number of commands require discipline, commitment, accountability groups—some intentional decisions and maintenance. But periodically the Christian finds himself or herself backed into a corner. That’s when it’s crunch time: “Obey God and lose the deal,” “Obey God and kill the chance for a promotion.” For these three young men it was, “Obey God and lose your life.”
For Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, this issue was highly focused. Although two conflicting orders were given, the issue wasn’t so much “What was the order?” but “Who gave it?” For these three, the order of a king who could take their lives would never take precedence over the will of Almighty God. Their story of courage has inspired untold numbers of believers who have faced the fire—both literally and figuratively—over the centuries. Let their courage work its way into your life as well.