Adapted from Handbook to Leadership
Personal Development: Purpose/Passion
What is it about some leaders? They seem to have that extra “oomph!” Their people are unusually productive, grievances from their area are infrequent, and quality is high. People from other areas want to be transferred to their departments. The secret? Passion! Enthusiasm! These leaders have a clearly defined purpose that transcends merely pushing product out the door.
Caleb was that kind of leader. His “secret” was a secret to no one. Three times his brief biography states that Caleb followed the Lord with all his heart (vv. 8, 9, 14). He was enthusiastic, gutsy, passionate about proving what the Lord could do through one who trusted Him completely.
Passion and clear purpose served Caleb well for his many years. And these two qualities are still an essential part of great leadership. For Caleb, that purpose and its consequent passion were transcendent. They were greater than any product of promotion or profit. He found a life-consuming passion: to follow God wholeheartedly. No higher purpose and no greater passion exist.