Daily Encouragement: Year 1, Day 55

Adapted from Handbook to Leadership

Personal Development: Values

Psalm 15:1–5

Values are uncompromisable, undebatable truths that drive and direct behavior. They are motivational—they give us reasons why we do things; and they are restrictive—they place boundaries around behavior.

King David demonstrated value-driven behavior in Psalm 15. Notice that he said the person who enjoys the presence of God and lives a life of integrity is the one who speaks the truth from his heart (vv. 1–2). Because this person values truth in his heart, his words express truth. Because he values kindness, he does no wrong to his neighbor (v. 3). Because he values honesty, he keeps his word even when it’s difficult (v. 4). Because he values justice, he does not accept bribes against those who are innocent (v. 5).

As you reflect on this psalm, consider what values drove the psalmist’s behavior. As you examine your own life, what values do you see as driving your behavior? What values would you like to have drive your behavior? Make it your goal to more completely integrate godly values into your professional and personal life.

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