Daily Encouragement: Year 1, Day 58

Adapted from Handbook to Leadership

Personal Development: Values

Psalm 119:1–32

Values drive behavior; a person will pursue what that person loves. Jesus said it best when He said that our heart will always be where our treasure is (Matthew 6:21).

One way we can discern what our own personal values are and should be is by listening to what others feel is most important. In Psalm 119:1–32, David, the man who pursued God with his whole heart, opens his values closet and lets us look inside.

First, notice what David values morally (vv. 1–4). As you read verses 1–32, notice the frequent reference to God’s revealed moral will through terms such as word, law, statues, precepts, and the like. These manifestations of God’s revealed will formed David’s value base. How, then, does a person form values that lead to sound moral leadership? Sample verses 11, 15 and 16 and discover David’s “value-shaping” process.

The bottom line is that David’s deepest value was to honor and please God. Because doing so required that David discover what God finds pleasing and what honors Him, David valued God’s Word.

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