Daily Encouragement: Year 1, Day 88

From Handbook to Renewal

The Attributes of God

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth. For Your mercy reaches to the heavens, and Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. (Psalm 57:5, 10)

Your word is settled in heaven forever, O Lord. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; You established the earth, and it stands. They continue to this day according to Your ordinances, for all things serve You. (Psalm 119:89–91)

The Works of God 

The Lord who created the heavens, He is God. He fashioned and made the earth and established it; He did not create it to be empty but formed it to be inhabited. He is the Lord, and there is no other. (Isaiah 45:18)

God made the earth by His power; He established the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding. (Jeremiah 10:12)

My Relationship to God

By this is Your Father glorified, that I bear much fruit, showing myself to be Your disciple. (John 15:8)

Just as I presented the members of my body as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing lawlessness, so I now present my members as slaves to righteousness, leading to holiness. (Romans 6:19)

The Character I Want to Cultivate 

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to counsel. (Proverbs 12:15)

I will listen to counsel and accept instruction, that I may be wise in my latter days. (Proverbs 19:20)

My Relationship to Others 

We should always thank God for other believers, mentioning them in our prayers. (1 Thessalonians 1:2)

We should ask for one another’s prayers. (1 Thessalonians 5:25)

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