Daily Scripture: Day 77—1 Samuel 1

From Handbook to Scripture, Day 77


Hannah’s grief in being barren was amplified by the taunts she received year after year by her rival Peninnah, the other wife of Elkanah. It was particularly painful when she had to go up to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem each year with the rest of the family. In her bitterness of soul, she prayed to the Lord and made a vow that if the Lord granted her the gift of a son, she would dedicate him to the Lord’s service. When Eli the priest realized her anguish, he blessed her and said, “May the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of Him.” The Lord fulfilled her request, and Hannah fulfilled her vow by presenting the child for the Lord’s service after she had weaned him.

Prayer: Lord, I thank You that You care for us and are concerned with the things that concern us. May I be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make my requests known to You.

Meditation passage: verses 10, 17

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