Daily Scripture: Day 93—1 Kings 8

From Handbook to Scripture, Day 93


King David had collected the materials necessary for the building of the temple, and it took Solomon seven years to construct and furnish it. The temple was a costly achievement of great beauty, a structure that must have been magnificent to behold. When Solomon gathered the elders of Israel to watch the priests bring the ark of the covenant into the Most Holy Place, the awesome glory of God filled the temple. Solomon then offered a sermon and a great prayer of dedication in which he entreated the Lord to hear the supplications of His people and to forgive their sins. This solemn prayer was followed by a time of rejoicing and celebration.

Prayer: Lord, when I read about the early days of Solomon, I wish they could have lasted. But the joy, holiness, dignity, glory, and beauty that marked these days not only show what might have been had Your people remained faithful to You, but they also provide a hint of the far greater glory that is yet to be when You come to reign in righteousness.

Meditation passage: verses 27, 56

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