Reflecting Christ in Your Lifestyle

Reflecting Christ in Your Lifestyle

Do you purposefully practice God’s presence throughout your day?

A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence gives you 8 categories of exercises that can help you learn how to live every moment for Christ. The first of these categories is lifestyle.

One way to strengthen your walk with God is learning to be a person of gratitude. We often overlook all that God has done in His creation and through His material, relational, and spiritual blessings. We tend to turn to grumbling and boasting about our own strength. But we need to remember that all is gift and grace, creating a mindset of rejoicing.

A second key to a godly lifestyle is rest. Our busy culture ignores the need for “being” time, so we spend our efforts on “doing” time. However, rest reorients us to remember God throughout our day.

In addition to gratitude and rest, we need to cultivate contentment in all things. Any act, no matter how small, can be one in which we marvel at the presence of God. He is not limited to glamorous events or formal quiet times; instead, we can find Him in every moment.

As we look to reflect Christ in our lifestyle, we ought to keep who He is at the forefront of our minds. Gaining this perspective is key to practicing His presence throughout our day.

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Purchase the Life in the Presence of God Bundle. The guide is also available as an app.

Click here for more information about Ken’s Friday morning study, including archived videos.

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