Category: Wednesday Morning Study

Ruth 2: A Cameo of Grace and Goodness

Ruth 2 is a cameo of God’s grace and goodness. In the midst of the wicked period of the judges, Boaz stood out as a shining light, showing God’s grace to the least, last, and lost. We too are called to be agents of light in this present darkness. We are called to have a different vision and not to be defined by the things of this world.

Ruth 1: A Faithful Remnant

The story of Ruth and Boaz takes place during the days of the judges and is a shining light amidst the darkness. It is a beautiful cameo of character, courage, and commitment, in which two people—Ruth and Boaz—sought what was right in the Lord’s eyes rather than their own.

1 Corinthians 7: Marriage and Celibacy

First Corinthians is a practical book because in it Paul addresses several specific questions the Corinthian church had about Christian behavior. Not only do many of these questions still arise frequently today, but many of Paul’s answers also run counter to our culture. In chapter 7, Paul addresses the topics of marriage, divorce, celibacy, and remarriage.

Judges 16: The Consequences of Disobedience

Samson’s story reveals a sad but common pattern: instead of celebrating the One who gave him his gifts, he preened his ego and applauded himself. Listen in to learn from the consequences of his disobedience and avoid his mistakes.

1 Corinthians 6: A Call to Imitate Christ

The Corinthian church stood in need of discipline: the believers were not exhibiting harmony or purity in their relationships with one another. Although Paul loved them, they needed to be reminded of how to live in accordance with Christ.

Judges 15: The Power of the Spirit

God’s deliverance will not be predictable. But what is predictable is that God’s character will never change and that He is faithful to deliver His people.

1 Corinthians 3: Only One Foundation

We’re called not only to know Christ but also to grow in Him. We do this by investing our time, talent, and treasure in what will last—the Word of God and people.

Judges 14: Resisting Our Flesh Signature

The story of Samson shows us that not only is sin deadly; it is also a diminishment. There is no creativity in our flesh signature. But righteousness is creative and an enhancement of life.

1 Corinthians 2: Relying on the Spirit

No matter your cultural or ethnic background, the wisdom of the cross is always upside down when compared to the wisdom of the world. The world teaches us to rely on ourselves and on our own knowledge, but the way of the cross teaches us that we must rely on the Spirit.