Ken Boa explores the fourth of eight “spiritual essentials” (core aspects of the Christian faith)—Practicing God’s Presence—during his Friday morning men’s study at First Redeemer Church (Cumming, GA). This essential refers to the idea of abiding in Christ throughout our everyday lives—seeing God as present in all moments, not only in a morning quiet time or Sunday worship, and becoming increasingly aware of that presence. Ken discusses a variety of practices that can help attune us more to the reality of God’s omnipresence, contending that it’s more a matter of greater intention than having more time; it’s a matter of training, not trying.
For a summary of this essential, check out this article.
For more on practicing God’s presence, check out Ken’s book Life in the Presence of God and A Guide to Practicing God’s Presence.
Are you local (near Cumming, GA)? Any men who live in or near north Atlanta are invited to attend this study on Friday mornings at 7 a.m. More details here.