Ken Boa continues to discuss relationships, with a focus on parenting, in this subseries on relationships in his Friday morning men’s study (Momentum) series “Being, Knowing & Doing: How Godly Principles Strategically Affect Men’s Everyday Lives.”
Ken discusses parents’ roles as mediators and exemplars of God’s unconditional love, based on our being and not on our doing. One way to express this love is through “the blessing,” in which a parent verbalizes pleasure in his or her child (this being distinct from pride, which is not bad, but is usually tied to performance). Parents must be walking by the Spirit, depending on God, to live out this calling effectively, bearing fruit in their hearts, homes, and habits. In this process, God is the one in charge of the outcome, not us; we are responsible to obey, and even that is by the grace of God.
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