The Practical Wisdom of Proverbs

The Practical Wisdom of Proverbs

The Proverbs transcripts used in this video are available here.

There are two types of wisdom we’ll encounter: divine and counterfeit.

Divine wisdom is the fear of the Lord. It comes from keeping Christ at the center of our lives, working outward in wisdom because of His inward work in us. This results in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23).

Counterfeit wisdom, on the other hand, comes from below. It is cagey, conniving, crafty, and cunning. Rather than seeking to honor Christ, it looks to elevate the self.

Sometimes these two types of wisdom are difficult to distinguish. The wisdom of the world masquerades as heavenly wisdom But Scripture gives us a guide in recognizing whether wisdom is worldly or heavenly (James 3:13–18).

Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs

The book of Proverbs provides practical instructions for living a godly life in the midst of an ungodly world. Solomon, the author, gatherer, and editor of the majority of these proverbs, uses pithy maxims and parables to help God’s people. These proverbs cover a wide range of topics:

  • righteousness and unrighteousness
  • love and lust
  • masters and servants
  • parents and children
  • truth and lies
  • life and death

They cover every facet of human life, transcending the bounds of time, space, and culture. However, these proverbs are not mere human aphorisms. Instead, God works through them to direct us to Him, shaping our lives so that we are more conformed to His image.

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Need a teaching tool to help you better understand the book of Proverbs? Purchase the presentation used in this video.

Check out other videos from Ken’s Sunday Morning Class, including parts 1 and 2 of this series.

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