Design in Astronomy
The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
(Psalm 19:1–2)
The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
(Psalm 19:1–2)
Specified complexity is the notion that systems and structures bear certain markers of design. That is to say, we can reasonably infer based on the characteristics of an object that it is likely caused by an intelligent agent, rather than a natural random process.
In the 19th century, individual cells were thought to be the simple building blocks that made up complex organisms. Since then, however, we have discovered that the cells themselves are just as complex as the organisms they are a part of. The more we study them, the more astonishing and elegant they appear.
From a scientific perspective, the probability for the existence of life on a given planet is practically zero. Yet here we are. How do we explain how we got here?
Are science and faith opposed to each other? What empirical evidence is there for a Creator of the universe? Ken Boa addresses these questions in his series: Science, Faith, and Reason.
Ken Boa discusses belief in and evidence for God’s existence during the April 3, 2019, installment of GraceLife Church of Pineville’s In Question series.
In this third part of his “Devotional Spirituality” series, Ken Boa encourages us to prayerfully and carefully consider the design of the heavens and earth which display God’s glory, wisdom, and greatness.
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