Tag: guidance

2 Samuel 5: Hidden Sins

Satan tempts us to take small steps in sin, leading us astray by degrees. The more we give in, the easier it will become for us to sin. And the more we sin, the more we will be tempted to keep hidden sins that will overwhelm our lives.

Misconceptions of God’s Will

Ken Boa looks at eight common misconceptions about God’s will. 1. “I must pray about each decision I make.” 2. “God’s will is often contrary to human reason.” 3. “To submit to God’s will I must give up my happiness.” 4. “If I follow God’s will, my problems will be over.” 5. “If I stray too far from God’s will, He won’t be able to use me again.” 6. “If I commit my life to God, He will want me to go to seminary.” 7. “I must have special confirmation before making important decisions.” 8. “God wants me to respond to every need.”

Principles for Discerning God’s Will

Communication is the main way in which we discern the will of God. It involves immersing ourselves in Scripture and coming before God in prayer. God will not guide us to do something contrary to Scripture. As we seek to discern His will, we must constantly be in prayer and examining our decisions in light of Scripture. If we think we hear God’s voice telling us to do something that is clearly contrary to Scripture (e.g., commit adultery), then it is not from God.

When God Says “No”

God always hears our prayers, but what happens when He doesn’t give us an immediate, resounding “yes”?

The Four Whys of Pain

There are four responses to difficult circumstances: The Why of Grumbling, the Why of Grief, the Why of Guidance, and the Why of Gratitude.

Image of a road in forest with light beaming in

Discerning God’s Will for Your Life

The following article is based on a video transcript. Watch the full, three-part teaching series here. [vector_icon icon=”arrow-circle-o-right”] God’s Will as a Way of Life “How can I discover God’s will for my life?” “How can I be sure of God’s guidance in my decisions?” “God, what do you

Discerning the Will of God: Part 3

In this final part of this series, Ken Boa discusses seven key principles for seeking God’s guidance as well as some wrong conceptions about God’s will.

Discerning the Will of God: Part 2

Having established that the matter of God’s will centers on a relationship rather than a method or program, Ken Boa discusses certain prerequisites for receiving God’s guidance. These are important because they are facets of our relationship with him.

Discerning the Will of God: Part 1

Practically all followers of Jesus have asked questions like these. Most of us ask these types of questions not so much on a daily basis, but at an important crossroads in our lives, when we’re trying to sort out the best path forward.