Tag: humility of christ

Philippians 3: The Upward Call of God (Friday Study Version)

Note: Ken also taught a version of this lesson during his Wednesday Morning Study. The summary description below was originally published there. Text: Philippians 3 What really matters in your life? When you survey your life’s accomplishments, what would you boast about and be proud of? Some might

Philippians 3: The Upward Call of God

Paul, who was previously a Pharisee, counts his accomplishments, his zeal, and his holiness as “rubbish” compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord.

Philippians 2: The Humility of Christ

In this famous section of Scripture, Paul describes the “emptying” of the Son of God who became a man—known as the doctrine of kenosis. While it is interesting to investigate the theological concepts regarding the nature of Christ’s “emptying,” to be fixated on that phrase from this passage