Tag: Pascal

A Q&A with Ken Boa on “Shaped by Suffering”

Coauthor Jenny Abel interviews Ken Boa about their book Shaped by Suffering: How Temporary Hardships Prepare Us for Our Eternal Homes, released from InterVarsity Press February 4, 2020. Jenny Abel (JA): If you had to distill the thesis of Shaped by Suffering down to one sentence, what would

A Taste of the Classics

Over the years, Ken Boa has taught and helpfully summarized a number of works from classic literature. This series introduces several of 16 important works.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 5

Dr. Boa gives the biblical basis for the idea that a Christian’s spiritual life is not a measurable product but a dynamic, ongoing process. We were meant for more than this life, but we have to cultivate the spiritual side of ourselves.