Tag: Paul

Acts 17: How to Spread the Good News

On his missionary journeys, Paul encountered many kinds of people. He had to be able to relate to them all in order to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

Acts 16: Interrupted Plans

We often hold our plans with tightly clenched fingers, seeking control over our schedules and mastery over interruptions. But God’s plans cannot be thwarted by our own.

Devotional Spirituality: Part 9—The Practice of Sacred Reading

Knowing God involves both the heart and the mind. The ancient practice of sacred reading involves a process of moving from the mind to the heart through reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation. This is the ninth part of Ken Boa’s “Devotional Spirituality” series.

Person walking along road into the horizon

A Biblical View of Purpose, Part 1: Knowing Where You’re Going

[lead]Most people seem to journey through years, even decades, without seriously wrestling with the fundamental question of why they are here on earth, where their journey is taking them, and what they want their lives to add up to in the end.[/lead] These people may occasionally wonder, What

Hands clasped in prayer

Four Life-Changing Prayers

[lead]Follow the apostle Paul’s example in prayer.[/lead] Use the following four passages from three of Paul’s epistles (letters) as a pattern of prayer for yourself and/or others Ephesians 1:17–19a “[I ask] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a