Tag: Philippians 4

Philippians 4: Biblical Attitudes and Actions (Friday Study Version)

Note: Ken also taught a version of this lesson during his Wednesday Morning Study. The summary description below was originally published there. Text: Philippians 4 What really matters in your life? When you survey your life’s accomplishments, what would you boast about and be proud of? Some might

Margin in Life: The Precious Present

Reflecting on death can teach us to live fully in the precious present. Instead of blindly blundering through our lives, we need to notice the ways in which the world seeks to change us. In doing so, we will not succumb to the gradual downward pull of the world but will renew our minds in Christ. 

A Holy Warrior

“I’ll deal with that later” is a dangerous attitude to take when it comes to temptation. The more you put it off, the more your appetite for the eternal things atrophies and the more your capacity diminishes until you lose the cutting edge of intentionality.

Storing up Scripture

Daily devotional times often include reading the Bible, but what about memorizing specific passages? Storing up Scripture is key as your faith grows.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 26

Dr. Boa discusses how our brains are wired, and how it seems God has actually prepared us to live in constant conversation with him, while engaging in this world simultaneously. We can live on two levels. God has made our brains to function this way; it just takes training.