Tag: Spirit

Warfare Spirituality: Part 1

Ken Boa introduces the reality of spiritual warfare in the believer’s life. Scripture upholds this middle territory of demonic and angelic powers. A healthy balanced view of this warfare is important for a victorious Christian life.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 2

In his Wednesday Morning Men’s Fellowship class, Dr. Boa introduces some of the imagery and metaphors associated with living in God’s presence on an ongoing basis: abiding in the vine, walking by the Spirit, setting your mind on the Spirit, rejoicing always, praying without ceasing, running with endurance.

1 Peter Study, Part 4 (at Christ Church): The Living Hope

Jesus calls us to a living hope; a hope that will not die.  A hope that is so transformative that it will produce an inheritance.  Dr. Boa expounds on the four qualities of the inheritance and the legacy that we share with Christ as co-heirs, as sons and daughters of the King.