Tag: wealth

1 Kings 10: Disobedience for Glory

God wants us to depend on Him and His power through the circumstances of life. Material wealth and fame will not bring us satisfaction and hope. The only enduring hope we have is in the LORD.

Wisdom and Wealth

In this session, Ken Boa discusses the biblical theme of money, using the timeless wisdom of Proverbs to derive certain principles that will help you understand the value of wealth as well as its limitations.

Don’t Waste Your Wealth

What we do with our money matters. The world tempts us to use money for earthly benefits, but there is a way to leverage temporal gain for the eternal.

The Folly of Loving Money

The love of money can lead to spiritual adultery. Proverbs gives us three reasons why focusing on making money over loving God is foolish.

Saints in Christ

What does it mean to be a saint? Ephesians 1:1–4 gives the answer.

Our Wealth and Our Walk

Our wealth influences our walk. If we seek after worldly wealth, the way that we live will reflect the values of the flesh. But if we pursue spiritual wealth, we will walk like a child of God.