Daily Encouragement: Day 292

Adapted from Handbook to Spiritual Growth


James tells us that there is a warfare between an earthly and demonic wisdom and a heavenly and divine wisdom (James 3:13–17). Each of us is required to make a choice. Which will we believe? How consistent is our behavior with our belief?

In this warfare, the world promotes pleasure as an end in itself.
The Word says that knowing God is the greatest pleasure of all.

The world exalts recognition and approval of people.
The Word exhorts us to desire the approval of God above that of people.

The world tells us to pursue fame and popularity.
The Word calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.

The world raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.
The Word elevates the standard of integrity and character.

The world drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.
The Word tells us to walk humbly before our God.

But the crucial contrast lies in where these opposing value systems ultimately lead:

The world leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness.
The Word leads to fulfillment, reality, and wisdom.

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