Category: Living Out Your Faith

Image of person leading a family in the desert

Humility in Leaders, Part 1: The Elusive Virtue

A key leadership attribute is humility, and from the example of Jesus, we see that true humility means focusing our eyes on God, allowing Him to lift us up in due time instead of seeking honor for ourselves.

Being, Knowing, and Doing—Part 9: Relationships (Parenting Continued)

Parents are mediators of God’s love in their children’s lives, modeling the unconditional acceptance we have in Christ (not based on our performance). It’s therefore vital that parents walk by the Spirit in order to live out this calling in their hearts, home, and habits.

Being, Knowing, and Doing—Part 6: Relationships (Marriage)

In this third session on marriage, Ken Boa discusses concepts like, “1 + 1 = 1 in marriage,” the husband’s call to lead his wife in love, differences in romantic and other kinds of love, and practical tips for showing love to one’s spouse.